State committee :
Founder president :
Sri Krishi Ratna Vishwam(DVT)(FCIM;IMIS;DMLT;MBHI)(B.A. LLB)
Occupationally, he is an RMP doctor. Once, he came to Gulshan hotel at Chikkadpally(Hyd), in the year of 1985, and observed some situations in that area. In those days people from every part of the state used to come to Hyderabad in search of jobs, business purpose etc., with commitments and spending lot of money for the same. Some of them were cheated by their friends, relatives and also by others. In that situation, they were not in a position to go to their native place or to stay back and continue their life in Hyderabad. In that situation, Shri Vishwamji thought that it was his prime duty to help our co-human by all means because they were cheated from our society. Under these circumstances, he helped those persons by giving them food ,shelter and clothes, cash also. Like this, he used to help the persons who approached him often. Hence forth he came into existence as “Bakara Doctor”. Despite his critics , he was firm and determined in serving his co human society in a HUMANE path which was also an other strengthening cause for laying this foundation .
Observing the society in all angles , finding out the problems and solutions for the same , over coming difficulties and losses with true spirit , “sarvajana samkshema mandali , Humanity Re-establishment committee , Anti-suicides committee , Anti-corruption committee , Bakti Prachara committee came into existence.
Vice President :
Smt. V. Ratna Kumari
For the past quite some time, she has been helping poor, Destitute and needy women by providing fooding , shelter , teaching them the handicrafts etc., and gave the moral support to the needy women community. As she had been extending selfless services without expecting any returns on humanitarian grounds, our “Sarvajana samkshema Mandali” felicitated Smt .Ratna Kumari with the title “Maanavata Murthy”, for renowned personalities with morale and human values , who not being selfish and serve the human society without profit motto. She was awarded in the year 2007 and subsequently, well wishers of our mandali proposed Smt Ratna Kumari as Vice-President for extending her services to our mandali. Hence our committee appointed her as Vice-President in year -2009.
General Secretary :
Smt. Shashikala Govardhanam
Smt Shashikala Goverdhanam is a Post graduate in English Literature. She had been in the profession of Teaching as lecturer. In due course of time she was inspired by the philosophy of shri Krishi Ratna Vishwam and activities of “Sarvajana Samkshema Mandali” and hence she sacrificed her profession and joined in the main stream of our mandali activities. She not only took the most active role in serving the needy Human beings through our mandali, but also donated all her property in terms of cash and gold. She is a real asset to our Organisation.
Joint Secretaries :
Smt. M. Vidya Kalyani
She is an under graduate, cheated by the society in many ways. In due course of time she was inspired by the philosophy of Shri Krishi Ratna Vishwam and activities of “Sarvajana Samkshema Mandali” and hence she joined in the main stream of our mandali activities.
He is an RMP doctor and social worker. He has spent money for the organization and worked hard on behalf of the organization. He used tobe with our President Shri Vishwamji when he used to counsel the people during nights. He used to donate rugs/blankets to the street beggars.
Legal Advisor:
Rupender Raj Jaiswal(Criminal)
He is one of the leading advocates in Twin Cities. Over and above he has possessed high quality Humanitarianism and hence he has donated his blood 80 times so far, to save neey human beings. Our mandali facilitated and awarded with”Maanavatha Murthy” in the year 2008, in recognition of his services to the society. He was elected as legal advisor in the year 2009.
P. Naveen Kumar(Civil)
He always serve the poor and needy and also the destitute with out making profit with the main motto of helping and serving the mankind. He is an ex member of
He was elected as a legal advisor of our mandali in the year 2010.
M.A.Rasool : He renders free legal services to the weaker associations.
Therefore, he was elected as legal advisor of our mandali in the year 2012.
Advisory Board Members
Md.Yusuf (Retd.C.I.)
He conveys and strives for the common justice with out discrimination.
He followed the same path during his service also.
Chief Executive Officer:
Padmanabha Rao. Chityala
He is a graduate in Mechanical Engineering. He has been serving in various capacities for Indian pulp and paper industry. When he came in touch with president Mr.Krishi Ratna Vishwam and shared the views on humanity re-establishment and spiritual well being. As the ideology is in line with the organisation’s philosophy and programmes, he is appointed as CEO.
Chief Zonal Officer(S.C.C.E.O) :
P. Srinivas
He is a post graduate and also multi linguistic. He is sent to the site of dispute when the news is brought through out the Nation wide. Thus he is being helpful to the mandali in gathering the important and efficient information regarding the cases. Thus he became personal, secret, financial, social and legal Advisor to Founder President.
Zonal Incharges :
B.Arjun kumar (VZG)
MD.Sirajuddin (CDP)
P.Showrelu (KRMR)
Divisional Executive Officer:
Smt. K. Ratnavathi (Rjy)
She imbibed the quality of service oriented and social outlook right from her childhood. She had helped many poor and destitute students for their education and also for medical treatment as and when required. She has not only donated monetarily but also gave personal attention and spared most of her valuable time. Our mandali awarded “Maanavata Murthy” in the year 2008, on recognition of her services to the human beings below the poverty line. She was elected as Divisional Executive Officer in the year 2009.
Md. Sirajuddin (Cdp)
He used to work in Syndicate bank and donate half of his salary to the needy people. He used to serve the people who were in helpless condition and in need after consulting the officers concerned. He was awarded “Sangamitra” for his generous and kind deeds.
Divisional Secretaries :
B. Nagasrinivasa Rao (Gtr)
Ch. Manohar
K. Dathathreya
The above mentioned individuals are very much devoted towards the society and love for the mankind. They are considered as the true disciples and followers
Among the troop.
K. Sridhar (Atp)
He has been assisting the poor people in getting all facilities and help, which is supposed to be extended as declared by the government. He used to work as hand in gloves and without any hesitation with mandali’s president Sri Krishi Ratna Vishwam in attending and resolving the most critical issues, even in the remote places. Hence he is appointed as Divisional Secretary.
V. Jai Shankar (Mbnr)
A dynamic individual with a daring personality. He hails from a family which has been humane and is very much particular regarding the legal terms and conditions .
J. Lekha
Most promising women who has been the victim of immoral deeds. She nearly served about an year for the mandali by staying here with us thus rendering her efforts for the improvement of the society.
Executive Officer :
G. Vasanth
A volunteer originally from Orissa , has been attracted by the good deeds of the mandali and thus decided to serve this human society.
Programme Supervisior :
V. Sudarshan
He has been observing and studying the social evils, illegal acts, corruptive acts and the human beings who are succumbed to sufferings due to prevailing In-Human acts in the society. Our mandali committee recognized his services to the society and recommended and elected him as programme supervisior.
Divisional Executives
C. Parameshwar
G. SaiDatt
These individuals have been taking an active participation in updating the SIRISILLA Weavers lives in a state where the weavers had no option else but for opting out for committing suicides to the mandali and followed the valuable opinions of The AVAGAHAANA SADASSU in 2005 conducted by the mandali.
A man who is very much devoted towards The Almighty and strives for the development of the old temples for renovation which plays a vital role in protecting the India’s heritage and culture.
Executive Body Members (Official & Unofficial)
A young man who reacts and acts for any grievance in the society which comes to his notice. He helps everyone irrespective if caste, creed, religion and region. By profession he is a driver who has been appointed in the year 2005.
He has worked as reports in Telugu Daily news papers “Vaartha” for three years. He also has worked for Telugu Daily “Andhra Jyothi” for 2 years. He took lot of interest and put his efforts in protecting Democratic values in the society. He was appointed in the year 2010.
He used to go through all the news papers regularly and keeps noting down the problems related to the society. He brings all the social problems and social relations in the society to our mandali’s notice and he used to discuss thoroughly and finds out the solution. He puts all out efforts in resolving the problems.
M.Rama Krishna … Social worker
T.Kezia … Social worker
V.Indra Kumar Dev … Social Woker
M.Chakradhar Reddy … Social worker
T.Naresh Goud … Social woker
Believe Helping and Saving the Co-Human is
the Basic Dharma of Human Beings
Smt. Shasikala Goverdhanam
State committee, General Secretary,
Sarvajana Samkshema Mandali (A.P) |