As the Human Birth is a Unique, Supreme Birth among all the living mammals in this Creation, Human Beings committing suicide for any cause is a Huge Sin, because according to our Karma-theory, people have to face the losses and troubles based on their fate (Karma), But, unable to bear the problems committing suicide is nothing but escaping from the problems, responsibilities, duties, commitments, qualifications. Hence, with the assessment of “Dharma-Karma’s”, we can understand that committing suicide is a Camouflage (mabhyapettadam), Fraud and Cheating to Human credit relations. But, when we observe with Humanitarian, Social-awareness attitude in many situations, we can understand the facts that if a person feds-up with the In-Human attitude of his Co-Human, He finds no other way except committing Suicide. Moreover no person desires death. But, he compels to commit suicide only if he fed-up with his circumstances, surroundings, neighbours and in some situations last but not least, his family members also. Hence, we, not only stated clearly that It is the “Natural Dharma” of Humankind to help and save our Co-Human, and the so-called civilized society is responsible for the suicides of our Co-Human, But also being the responsible citizens of this society, has take fore-step to prevent suicides of our Co-Human, and we have to save him At any cause & at any cost, By All Means. Accordingly, Anti-suicides committee has to take all the necessary counselings, efforts and actions with whole-hearted Humanity to solve the problems of grievance who attempts for suicide.
If the grievance attempts for suicide due to financial problems, pressures etc. And who is in full of debts then we further enquires that whether the person appeals for IP or not. Unable/incapable to apply for IP/not interested to apply for IP as applying for IP is shameful/not fair, not eligible to apply for IP, No possibility to go legally. Accordingly we discriminate the categories of grievances into A, B, C, D, E. based on the good consciousness of important persons of organization as per the theories of Dharma karmas prescribed by higher authorities of organization and accordingly the treatment will be given to them.
Generally, the local Leaders settle the financial issues, as the police legally have no scope to settle the financial matters. With the co-operation of police/Revenue/Human rights commission, we undertake peaceful financial settlements because it is proved that the settlements made by local Leader may break the Human Relations and also sometimes results in violence/rivalry/murders/suicides. Therefore, in order to re-establish the social status of grievances and to continue their livelihood, we settles the matter peacefully and sees that the grievance gets normal position to live and creates Confidence among, both the parties, the grievance and his creditors that we solve their financial issues and do Justice with the assessment of Dharma-Karmas.
Though we are protecting so many grievances with our full efforts not only in Andhra Pradesh, but also rarely in some parts of India. Still some People are committing suicides. When we observes the several suicide-notes and enquires the related aspects, it is proved that some people do not have livelihood and some other people do not have at least regular monthly income. Unable to bear the economic conditions, people prefers to commit suicide. Therefore to save these type of people, and the grievances who approached us and do not have proper monthly income proof, to uplift women economically, for the welfare and progress of women, our organization decided to form small scale industries. Further Mandali decides that the formation of small scale industry is useful as proof of monthly income for providing financial assistance (Loan) by the Mandali.
We established the Antisuicides committee services to save our co – Human by all means and we have been performing several special activities and programs throughout Andhra Pradesh and rarely in other parts of the country.
According to our founder president,only Counseling can’t stop the grievances from commiting suicides unless & until the root cause for the act is found and resolved Viz : if a person is feeling hungry he can’t be satisfied with only counseling. He will be satisfied only when he is served with a principal meal or at least with some eatables.
- Our executives and informers trace the persons who are in unbearable troubles and who are in forced to commit suicides, our executives and informers give information to our state committee – Hyderabad.
- People who are suffering from different problems call us irrespective of day and night and describe their problems, sorrows for which we respond immediately and give emergency assistance immediately.
- We give counseling to them with the proofs of persons who were saved by us.
- We hold committee meetings and discuss their problems and find solution to their problems and solve immediately.
- We provide clothes, and necessary provisions for the grievances, who left their villages or places where they used to stay.
- We have online contacts with persons who rebated to the incident/problem and who are responsible for the problems with their in-HUMANE attitude, and request them to co-operate with us on Humanitarian grounds and also had settlements in a peaceful manner with the permission of concerned officials /authorities.
- We not only found out the solutions to all the problems of the grievances but also implement them by all means by taking necessary actions with the permission of concerned officials, police and ministers.
- We provide police protection for the grievances who are in need of security.
- We contact personally the concerned officials ministers and gather their co-operation on humanitarian rounds(officially).
- We conduct seminars and platform meetings in different districts and preference is given to the districts in which there are more grievances.
- To describe the supremacy of Human birth, to explain universal love, to develop the feelings of oneness, brotherhood, love, mercy and kindness etc. and describes how to treat our Co-Humans.
- To provide immediate economical, social assistances, in some cases we extends our services beyond our limits.
- We hold meetings on a special “civilized society relations-problems” and discuss well and shall seek the solutions.
- To eradicate the In-Humane attitude among the Human beings in different sectors of the present society and violation of Human rights of our Co-Human which resulted in so many troubles and losses. Our mandali take remedial measures and implement them by explaning and expressing in different manners like moral Humanitarian disciplinary, economical, civil councelling either by person or online, and promote peace and tolerance. In some cases if the ex-parties dis-agrees our Humantarian peaceful settlements, we get the matter under the notice of Human Rights commission, even then also if exparties behaves in the same manner. We take legal proceedings.
- We established the “civil-integrity-detections” a department to detect and the disputes and mis-understandings between cases of delicate and confidential relation, like wife and husband, brother and sister, employee and employer, lender and borrower, citizens and government, people and people representatives etc. in which the involvement of police and legal departments is undesirable which may effect the delication and confidence between the above said relations. Therefore after detection, we perform councellings, meetings settlements with the permission of concerned authority.
- In order to define and describe the true love to the so called civilized society,we perform social activities and special programs in different angles because now a days there is increase of murders, suicides even between the very lovely relations and affective relation like wife and husband, mother and son father and son. Hence we perform continuously special programs in order to show practically that “ sacrifice is an important essential element to ensure, secure love and friendship”.
- We perform several programs and activities to eradicate corruption in several sectors in the society by conduct secrete enquires, personal and visual interviews, and we bring the matter into the notice of concerned higher authorities to improve the Human and moral values among the people and awaken the society towards the morality.
India is an agriculture based country. Farmer is the back bone of our country. Unfortunately, due to outburst of nature in form of floods, Unseasonal rains they are losing/lost their crops during the hard times. Inspite of loosing the first crop , these farmers go for the second crop by getting debts for heavy interests with a hope that he may get the crop but when the second crop is also destroyed he is unable to bare the situation, debits with heavy interest and he is unable to clear the debts, due to the pressure of financiers he is compelled to commit suicide. This is not fair for a agricultural based country like INDIA. Though our government is taking remedial measures to save the farmer, the progrrammes implemented by the government is not reaching the poor farmer. Expecting declared compensation by the government some farmers take more debts but when he receives a small amount after clearing the shares of mediators/beaurocrats of government he receives less amount than expected, unable to bear the situation he commits suicide. More over they strongly believe that there is no one to save them either in government or public, they think that the government is not genuine in showering its sympathy on them, practically. Though government announced packages , these packages may not be implemented with sincere efforts, in fact they may be profitable to the mediators who are ready to cheat the poor farmers. Last but not least, the society around him with over selfishness and in Human attitude force him to commit suicide immediately. Under these circumstances our committee in the primary stage develops hope in him that this committee saves him from the crisis he is suffering and then helps him by all means like providing financial assistance moral support, police protection(if necessary). We also settle the matter with the co-operation of agriculture revenue and police departments. We provide necessary provisions, clothes etc.. to the needy. We also meet the financers directly to convince them and settle the matter in peaceful manner. In some critical cases we take the co-operation of CIVIL INTEGRITY DETECTIVE department to make enquiries to prove the facts to justify without affecting the relationship between the parties. We provide alternative employment sources to the grievances to make their future as routine and as previous. |